
Dress Code Update

View our updated Dress Code for the 2022-23 school year.
Dress Principles:
  • Hats, hoods, and apparel that otherwise conceals a student’s face or ears are not permitted inside buildings, with the exception of religious or cultural head coverings.
  • Undergarments must be covered completely.
  • Clothing must be free of obscene messages or messages of violence, substance use, or hate speech.
Dress Guidelines:
  • Clothing must cover the abdomen and upper thighs.
  • All clothing  must be free of visible holes. NO HOLES in jeans, pants. 
  • Casual wear - yoga pants, leggings, joggers, are allowed. 
  • No athletic shorts or baggy sweats are allowed. 
  • Pajamas pants (patterned fleece/flannel) are only allowed on spirit days.
  • The student dress code is in effect throughout the school day, during after-school activities/clubs, and at school trips. 
Occasional Dress:
Students are expected to pay special attention to their attire when the occasion calls for it. This includes but is not limited to: Masses/Liturgies, presentations, gym class, spirit days, and science labs. Prior to the event in question, program directors and teachers should provide guidelines for dress; if a student is inappropriately attired, they may be asked to change.  
More specific guidelines regarding dress for All School Masses and Special All School Assemblies are provided in the Student Handbook, which will be updated by early August.
Parental Note: We feel that it is not only the school's responsibility but also that of the students and the parents to determine the student dress code and to adhere to a dress code that is conducive to a proper learning environment. We appreciate your attention to, concern with, and responsibility for how your child dresses. We respect personal choice regarding dress code; however, keep in mind that there is a time and a place for everything. We hope that you will reinforce that the school setting is a place where the student shows up each day to be ready to be their best self and for their influence to allow others to be their best selves as well.